Workshop on textile cooperation
Thriving partnership: In February, a Gesamtmasche project team travelled to Ethiopia to meet the partner association ETGAMA and its member companies.

Thriving partnership: In February, a Gesamtmasche project team travelled to Ethiopia to meet the partner association ETGAMA and its member companies. At an entrepreneur’s workshop in Addis Ababa, organised by ETGAMA and Gesamtmasche, Ethiopian companies were able to exchange ideas on cooperation and support opportunities within the project.

The workshop focussed on the discussion of appropriate measures to promote the ETGAMA as an association and the industry economically. Many companies complain about the lack of financial resources – and as a consequence, of man power – of their association, which is currently unable to provide sufficient technical assistance. Against this background, PartnerAfrica Ethiopia’s co-financing of an association employee in the field of technology was extremely welcomed.

Finally, quality improvements and compliance with international standards are considered essential for the acquisition of international customers. The more intensive communication between the German and Ethiopian textile industries also met with a lot of positive feedback. The next step planned for the near future are face-to-face meetings, individually, at trade fairs and through business delegations in both directions.

A highlight of the workshop was the joint signing of the project agreement by Ageazi Hailemariam (ETGAMA) and Silvia Jungbauer (Gesamtmasche) as representatives of their associations. The agreement was initially concluded in November in the form of an exchange of letters.

↘ In addition to the workshop, Gesamtmasche visited various companies, especially in the spinning industry, and held discussions with the cotton sector (see following news).