Sabahar gets started with e-commerce
Sabahar is now on Etsy! The makers of 100% handmade Ethiopian textile products consider this a first step to understand the world of e-commerce.

“We want to see how it goes with the hope that we will have a fully on-line web shop by next summer”, says Kathy Marshall, founder and owner of Sabahar.

As a first step, Sabahar presents three different shawls on the web to the consumer.

Itege shawl
This shawl is exclusively being sold on Etsy. It is 100% silk, combining naturally beige tussah silk from India, with hand spun Ethiopian eri silk. “The beautiful hand-picked Tibeb design in the middle demonstrates the skill of our traditional weavers. We find this unique shawl to be both elegant enough to dress up any outfit, as well as a warm and cozy wrap for these winter evenings.”

Queen Saba scarves
These are classic Sabahar. In fact, they have been one of our most popular scarves since 2009! They are 100% silk- a combination of Mulberry silk from India and Eri silk from Ethiopia. Individual dyeing with natural dyes such as coffee, mescal flowers, indigo, avocado, logwood, and onion skins results in  a wide variety of shades and colors. The one shown here is dyed in cochineal. We are offering a larger selection of colors than we do on our website- in fact many of the colors available on Etsy are not on our website catalog

Dani shawls
We have had so many requests by individuals to purchase our Dani shawls. Your wish is our command. For a limited time, we have these beauties on sale on Etsy! You can select from six different colors- all rich and beautiful. The hand spun cotton makes the shawl cozy and soft.

So how do you find us? Just hop on to the Etsy website and type in Sabahar or Sabahar Ethiopia and you should be directed to our page (you can also just click any of the photos and  links in this blog and you will automatically be directed to our page).

We are really excited to dip into the world of e-commerce and see where it takes us. If you have any feedback, just shoot us an e-mail.

Contact: www.sabahar.com, Kathy Marshall, sabahar@gmail.com.